Honeywell International, Inc.

Phoenix, Arizona, United States

Sr Supplier Quality Engineer

Posted 6 days ago

Job Description

Sr Supplier Quality Engineer: Honeywell International, Inc. (Phoenix, AZ) Wrk drctly w/ sppliers to stsfy Honeywell's qualty stndrds & strtgy in the mnfctre of cmpnnts. Reqs: Bach dgree or frgn equiv in Indstrial Eng, Mech Eng, Aerospce Eng, or a rel fld, + 6 yrs of spplier qualty eng exp. Fll trm of exp mst inclde: lrge prjct mngmnt exp w/ crss-fnctnl exp; Advncd Prct Quality Plnnng (APQP) exp alng w/ core tools (SPC, MSA & DOE); strtgc sourcng or value eng exp; ablty to read & undrstnd tchncl specs & drwngs (GD&T & ASME Y14.5 stndrd); exp usng Six Sigma tchnques (DMAIC & RCCA); cmprhnsve knwldge of advncd Qualty eng prctces w/ AS9100, ISO 9000, or IATF 16949; rcgnzd authrty in area of exprtse &/or prdcts w/ wde vrstlty of exp & cpblty; & sgnfcnt exp w/ lean mnfctrng, cntnuous imprvmnt & qualty assrnce prcsses. Mst hve Green belt cert. Up to 40% dmstc & 10% intrntnl trvl req’d. Telecom prmttd up to 2 times/week. If offered employment must have legal right to work in U.S. EOE. Apply: Reference code: req 480976